
 Complete these paragraphs from a geography book. Put the words in brackets into the plural.

This small country is mostly farmland. The (animal) seen most often are (cow) and (sheep). Most (farm) have a few (goose); too. There are (donkey), but not many (horse). There’s a lot of wheat and (potato), and there are (tomato) on the south side of the hills. In summer the (man), (woman) and (child) work together in the (field) seven (day) a week. The (person) work hard all their (life).

The only two (factory) in the country are in the capital. One makes (toy) and (game), and the other makes (knife) and (fork). All these (thing) are for export.

The east of the country is thick forest, the home of wild (pony), (deer) and (wolf).

(Photo) of the (cliff) along the coast show how beautiful the country is. But not many (tourist) visit it because the airport is too small for most (aircraft).


One student says e.g. One apple. The next says One apple and two books. The next says One apple, two books and three cats, and so on. Each student adds a plural noun beginning with the next letter of the alphabet. If you like, you can use only one type of noun, e.g. the names of animals or things in the house. You can also give points for irregular plurals said correctly.


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