
I. Choose the word / phrase / sentence (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence or best answers the question. (3.5 pts)

(Từ câu 1 đến câu 14, thí sinh viết mẫu tự (A, B, C, hoặc D) đại diện cho câu trả lời đúng vào phần ANSWERS)

1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

A destroys B. controls C. predicts D. wanders

2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

A label B. campus C. nation D. parade

3. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

A. deny B. visit C. behave D. impress

4. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

A. official B. regular C. violent D. wonderful

5. Helen: I've got to help my mom with the housework so I can't go with you to


Tom: What a pity! I wish you ____ with me.

A. goes B. go C. can go D. could go

6. Jane: There's a crack in the pipe in my kitchen. What should I do?

Annie: You should _____ a plumber check it tomorrow.

A. have B. having C. allow D. allowing

7. David: I'm interested geography and science. How about you? Olivia: I love Arts and Maths.

A. with B. to C. in D. of

8. Marry: Do you still remember our plan for this weekend?

Ann: We're going to pay a visit to the National zoo,___ ?

A. do we B. don't we C. are we D. aren't we

9. Teacher: Who was absent from class this morning, Peter?

Peter: Sam was! He didn't come. ____ he was sick.

A. so B.but C. because D. though

10. Mom: Don't forger ____ all the lights and fans before you leave home.

Tim: I sure will.

A. turning off B. to turn off C. turning on D. to turn on

11. Toanna: Do you know when Nathan will go to the Town Hall?

Sam: I've no idea. What I know is he _____ two days off.

A. has B. going to have C. was having D. had

12. Daisy: What a _____ painting!

Mike: Thanks. Maybe It's the best I've drawn.

A. terrific B. terrible C. silly D. useless

13. Emma: Why don't we hold a farewell party for Jane?

Daisy: ______

A. You're welcome. B. That sounds great! C. Don't worry about D. Go ahead.


14. - Phil: “May I ask you something?”

- Mark: “__ ”

A. No, thanks.

B. Don't mention it.

C. Of course. You can.

D. I completely agree.

Paradise Restaurant

Booking is requested

Call: 20242025

II. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) for questions 15 and 15.

a. Throw all waste paper into the toilet

b. Take out paper from the toilet

c. Don't throw any kind of trash into the toilet

d. Don't leave the toilet dirty after use

16. a. You have to book in advance to eat at PR

b. You mustn't book beforehand to eat at PR

c. You can eat at PR without calling

d. You are requested to eat at PR

III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 20 are True or False, and choose the correct answers (A, B, C or D) for questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pts)

(Từ câu 17 đến câu 20, thí sinh phải viết đầy đủ từ True hoặc False vào ô trả lời. Mọi cách viết khác đều không được chấm điểm. Đối với câu 21 và 22, thí sinh viết mẫu tư (A, B, C hoặc D) đại diện cho câu trả lời đúng vào phần ANSWERS).

Da Nang, a famous holiday destination in the center of Vietnam, ranks as one of the best cities that are worth a visit. Beautiful natural landscapes and (17)____________

local people are contributing factors to this city's recognition. With the blue sea, sandy (18) , and spectacular mountains, Da Nang captivates not only

domestic but also foreign tourists (19)_____ want to enjoy magnificent scenery.

Visiting My Khe Beach and Ba Na Hills, which features the Golden Bridge, is considered a must when you are in Da Nang. In addition, attending Da Nang's International Fireworks (20)____________________________ is a memorable experience. With its annual

splendid performances, this event is an unforgettable celebration. The locals' hospitality is (21)___________________ factor that makes a deep impression (22)_____ visitors.

17. a. strange b. friendly c. angry d. disastrous

18. a. pools b. buildings c. beaches d. spaces

19. a. whose b. whom c. which d. who

20. a. festival b. experiment c. flight d. adventure

21. a. the other b. other c. another d. each other

22. a. in b. into c. for d. on

IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)

(Từ câu 23 đến câu 28, thi sinh viết mẫu tự (A, B, C, hoặc D) đại diện cho câu trả lời đúng vào phần ANSWERS).

Conserving energy is really important for the environment as well as for your wallets. Doing simple things like turning off lights when you leave a room, unplugging electronics when you are not using them, and using energy-saving devices can help a great deal. You can also use renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to save more energy. Now scientists can convert sunlight directly into electricity, and this energy from the sun offers a clean and a abundant source of power that can be harnessed almost anywhere on Earth. Wind farms, both onshore and offshore, have become a familiar sight in many regions, providing a reliable source of renewable power that can help reduce human dependence on fossil fuels and lessen the negative impacts of climate change. When you save energy, you are not just helping the planet, and you are also saving money on your electricity bill. Even small changes in your daily habits can makes a big difference over time, which is good for both the Earth and your bank account. Remember, every little bit helps, so let us all do our part to conserve energy and make the world a better place for our future generations.

23. Saving energy is unnecess for the environment.

24. Unplugging electronics when they are not in use helps save money

25. Solar energy is difficult to get and it is a limited source of power

26. Making small changes in our daily habits leads to a great number of benefits.

27. What does the word “them” refer to?

A. lights. B. electronics C. devices D. wallets.

28. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A You have to change your daily habits

B Scientists are finding more types of energy

C. Let's save energy for a better world

D.We live in an energetic and beautiful world.

V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)

29. Food _____ is necessary for a camping tip. (prepare)

30. Mr. Tam is a well- qualified and __ teacher. (experience)

31. We need to ___ our house to welcome the new year (beauty)

32. _______ communication is essential to better mutual understanding (effect)

33. Thanks to my dad's __ , I now feel confident for the coming contest


34. She ___ passed the test without having any difficulties (succeed)

VI. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.

(0.5 pt) ' ' ' '

(Từ câu 35 đến câu 36, thí sinh viết tiếp các nhóm từ và dấu câu theo đúng trình tự vào phần ANSWERS bên duoi câu hỏi để hình thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

35. Every one of us / our beloved leader / set by Uncle tồ / should follow the example

36.Studying abroad/ opportunities to learn/ give students/ about different cultures

VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it. (1.0 pt)

(Từ câu 37 đến câu 40, thí sinh hoàn thành phần trả lời bên dưới mỗi câu).

37. The children like making models of animals in their free time

The children are keen______________________________________

38. I advise you to go to the dentist twice a year.

If I were________________________________________________

39. She hasn't participated in a competition for two years.

It has been______________________________________________

40. Because of his good performance, he was nominated as Singer of The Year.

 Because he _______________________________________________


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