
 Charlotte works for an advertising company. She’s made some notes about a car called the Atlas. Rewrite each sentence in the way suggested in brackets, so that the underlined part has more emphasis.


An Atlas looks stylish, (do)

An Atlas does look stylish.


The Atlas gives you the best of modem technology, (it)

It’s the Atlas that gives you the best of modem technology.


The Atlas is famous for its low petrol consumption, (what)

What the Atlas is famous for is its low petrol consumption.


1   The Atlas won the ‘Road’ magazine prize, (it)

2   It won the Monte Carlo rally last year, (do)

3   The Atlas gives you reliability, (what)

4   You have tots of room in an Atlas, (do)

5   The expert design makes you feel so comfortable,(it)            

6   You’ll never believe how much luggage it holds, (what)

7   The tow price will really surprise you. (it)

8   The Atlas costs less than £7,000. (do)

9   You’ll never want to let anyone else drive your Atlas, (what)

10 You ought to be driving an Atlas now, (what)


Write advertising slogans for these things. Give emphasis to your statements using do, it etc.


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