
        Tom and Angela are at Lynn’s party. Complete their conversation by choosing the correct adjective or adverb in the brackets.

Tom Well, the party is going very (nice/nicely), isn’t it? Have one of these sausages. They taste (good/ well).

      Angela No, thanks.

Tom You don’t sound very (happy/happily), Angela. And you look (pale/palely). Are you all right?

      Angela I feel rather (tired/tiredly). And I’m (hot/ hotly).

Tom It is getting a bit (warm/warmly) in here, isn’t it? Well I can (easy/easily) open this window.

      Angela Thanks. Actually, my head aches quite (bad/ badly) too. I think it’s (slow/slowly) getting worse.

Tom I’m (sure/surely) the music isn’t helping. It seems rather (loud/loudly), doesn’t it? Look, would you like me to take you home?

      Angela No, it’s all right, thanks. But if I could sit (quiet/quietly) somewhere for a few minutes, I might be OK.

Tom I’ll ask Lynn if there's somewhere you can go.


Complete the sentences in your own words to form a paragraph. Use an adjective or adverb in each sentence.

Harry got up .... He felt.... His face in the mirror.... His voice .... His breakfast tasted .... He ate .... Everything seemed ....


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