
 Amanda is a secretary. She’s got a new job, but she doesn’t like her boss. She’s telling her friend about him. Rewrite each sentence or pair of sentences using an infinitive or -ing form.


The boss insists on everyone being in the office at nine o’clock.

He doesn't allow US to make personal phone calls.

Amanda Everyone has to be in the office at nine o’clock. The boss insists on it. And we can’t make personal phone calls because he doesn’t allow it. We don’t have coffee breaks because he’s stopped that. We have to work hard — that's what he’s always telling US. People can’t work at their own speed; he doesn't agree with that. I have to work late because he quite often wants me to. If he asked me occasionally, I wouldn't mind. But I have to spend my life at the office. He seems to expect it. And he watches me all the time, which I don’t like. People can’t be friendly with him — he hates that.


Write three or four similar sentences about your boss or about your parents. Say what they expect (or don’t expect) you to do, or what they insist (or don’t insist) on you doing, and so on.


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