

I. PRONUNCIATION                    

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

1. A. boring     B. calorie        C. form                       D. morning

2. A. genius     B.tent               C. decade                   D. expert

3. A. knife       B. kind             C. find                         D. kit

4. A.snake       B. equation      C. fraction                   D.baked

5. A. decide     B. bird             C. midnight                 D. nice

6. A. meat       B. eat               C. weak                       D. learn

7. A. brave      B. alone           C.change                    D. snake

8. A. fire          B. bring           C. pick                        D. in

9. A. ready      B. meat           C. teach                      D. beach

10. A. vest       B. protect        C. then                        D. helmet

11. A. closed   B. practised     C. asked                     D. stopped

12. A. looked   B. stopped       C. carried                    D. watched

13. A. decided B. played         C. listened                   D. enjoyed

14. A. wanted  B. needed       C. founded                  D. knocked

15. A. called    B. wanted        C. played                    D. composed

16. A. tired      B. followed      C. climbed                  D. moved

17. A. picked   B. escaped      C. used                       D. laughed

18. A. kicked   B. packed       C. watched                 D. wanted

19. A. maps    B. comforts     C. drinks                     D. words

20. A. glasses B. finishes       C. risks                        D. changes


Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from that of the others

1.         A. award         B. desert          C. challenge    D. friendly

2.         A. survival       B.evening        C. direction      D. position

3.         A. important    B. library          C. jewelry        D. corridor

4.         A. problem      B. lesson         C. arrive          D. homework

5.         A. alive            B. compass     C. mirror          D. desert

6.         A.evening        B. terrible         C. survival       D. dangerous

7.         A. survive        B. jungle          C. quiet            D. morning

8.         A. comfort       B. contact        C. challenge    D. reserved

9.         A. adventure   B. practical      C. animal         Đ. physical

10.       A. library          B. uniform       C. equipment  D. medical

11.       A. homework  B. polite           C.sunny           D. flower

12.       A.reduce         B. avoid           C.survive         D. publish

13.       A. rhythm        B. review         C. lyrics           D. concert

14.       A. city              B. village         C. thirsty          D. replace

15.       A. publish        B. reduce        C. bossy          D. rhythm


II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space or best answers the question given in each sentence.

1.         "What do you think…………..this song?" - “It isn't fantastic."

            A. in                 B. at                 C. for               D. of

2.         Bananas contain many helpful …………       .

            A. beans          B. sticks          C. muscles      D. nutrients

3.         His ……. is like mine. Both of US are one metre fifty eight centimetres.

            A. length          B. height          C. weight         D. width

4. We can use a ………… in the sun to make a signal of S.O.S.

            A. sleeping bag           B. compass     C. mirror          D. rope

5. A ………… has 100 years.            

            A. decade        B. millennium              C. billion          D. century

6. She flashed the ………… into the dark room.      

            A. torch           B.tent               C. compass     D. rope

7. What is 25% as a fraction? - We think it's a ……….         

            A. half              B. total             C. whole          D. quarter

8. You  ……… make noise in the library’. That's the rule.     

            A. should         B. mustn't        C. shouldn't     D. doesn't

9. If you see a big       bear, try to ………. still.                     

            A. climb           B. run              C. stand           D. pick

10. She is a ……… person, so she was happier to stay in and write than to meet people

            A. bossy          B. shy              C. competitive D. social

11. Leonardo da Vinci wasn't very’ good …….. spelling.      

            A. on                B. to                 C. at                D. of

12. A: “……….            ?" - B: "I'm one metre sixtv centimetres.”     

            A. How are you           B. How heavy’ are you          

            C. How tall are you     D. How old are you    

13. A: "Make sure that you wear a helmet when you're on your bike." -       Ba:" ………”

            A. Don't forget.            B. Ok.              C. I'm full         D. I'm worried.

14. Archie was ……..than Carl.                     

            A. fast              B. faster          C. more fast    D. fast more

15. A ……… has ten years.               

            A. decade        B. century       C. billion          D. millennium

16. You …….. eat lots of fruit and vegetables. It's always a good idea.

            A. must            B. mustn't        C.should          D. shouldn't

17. You …….. always wear a uniform. You'll need to 20 home if you wear jeans.

            A. must            B. mustn't        C. should         D. shouldn't

18. If possible, all students …….. try to do two hours of homework every’ evening.

            A. must            B. mustn't        C. should         D. shouldn't

19. You ………have unhealthy’ food for lunch. It's better to have more healthv food

            A. must            B. mustn't        C. should         D. shouldn't

20. You ……….walk or take the bus to school . if you can. It's good for the environment.

            A. must            B. mustn't        C. should         D. shouldn't

21. Anna doesn't play baseball ………her sister.      

            A. as good as              B. as well as    C. as best as   D. as better as

22. Students ………. eat chewing gum in class. This is forbidden.  

            A. must            B. mustn't        C. should         D. shouldn't

23. J.K. Rowling became a ………. in 2003. He wrote five books.

            A. firefighter    B. artist            C. writer          D. waitress

24. You ……… thirsty if you don't bring a bottle of water.    

            A. get               B. gets             C. will get        D. doesn't

25. "What is the population of Viet Nam?" -   "I guess it's more than 98 …….. people.

            A. century       B. millennium  C. fraction       D. million

26. You ……… in the river. There are crocodiles.    

            A. should swim            B. mustn't swim          C. shouldn't swim        D. doesn't swim

27. ………. milk is there? - There's enough for two people. 

            A. How often               B. How many              C. How long                D. How much

28. At what ages ………. most people talk? 

            A. can              B. do can         C. could           D. did could

29. 'When was the artist Vincent Van Gogh bom?' - 'He was bom in the 19th …….           

            A. millennium  B. century       C. month         D. second

30. Bananas are a rich source of potassium. Potassium ………a sudden pain in muscles.

            A. reduces       B. strengthens             C. Increases    D. A and B are correct

31. William was a genius with a very high IQ. but in the end he ……….. a lonely life.         

            A. lives                        B. lived            C. didn't live    D. doesn’t live

32. Before it's dark, you need to ……… a new shelter with branches.

            A. run              B. climb           C. Stay            D. build

33. She is strong and healthy …….. she changed her eating habits.

            A. and              B. however      C. Because     D. so

34. Friends are important, but keep ………from "problem people".

            A. out of          B. off               C. down           D. away

35. 'What is the hottest …….. in your country?’ - 'I know that one. It's July, or perhaps August.'

            A. month         B. season        C. year                        D. date

36. The word 4'pop" is from ………

            A. popcorn      B. population   C. people         D. popular

37.  What is the best way to learn salsa? ……..”

            A. I love it. but I'm not good.   B. It's probably best to have lessons.

            C. I'd like to learn salsa.          D. It looks weird.

38. The musician added some electronic melodies …….. his previous songs.

            A. from                        B. about           C. for   D. to

39. The Samba dance …….. has got ten dancers.

            A. lyrics           B. tune             C. voice           D. band

40. Look for a river if you want to …….. some drinking water.

            A. avoid           B. pick             C. find Đ. build

41. "How fast can you run?" - "I can usually run 100 meters in 17………."

            A. seconds      B. hours           C. kilometers   D. days

42. We couldn't play badminton when we were ten, …….. we're good at it now.

            A. Therefore    B. However     C. or    D. but

43. Mary first started …….  when she was fifteen.

            A. wrote           B. written         C. write            D. writing

44. Each banana…….. average, contain 30g of carbohydrates and about 0.01g of vitamin C.

            A. on    B. in     C. at    D. with

45. "Flow about going into town. There's a new cafe on the High Street. They say it's very good " ………”

            A.         I don't like going into town.      C. That sounds like a good idea.

            B.         I don't drink coffee.     D. That cafe is very good.

46. ……. should be in a body builder's breakfast and snacks.

            A. Eggs           B. Cakes         C. Coffee        D. Beef

47. If he …… hard, he will pass the exam easily.

            A. study           B. studies        C. is studying  D. studied

48. This book about the football stars is similar …… the book I bought last week.

            A. to                 B. with             C. at                D. on

49. "I have two tickets to the concert tonight. I'll give you one if you want "…………”

            A.         Sure, no problem.       C. That would be great, thanks.

            B.         Thank you for your help.        D. Here you are.

50. If you don't have a compass, you can …….. the sun to find out where you are.

            A. use              B. pick             C .avoid           D. build

51. When the band play a concert they never stop dancing. They're really………!

            A. confidence  B. energetic     C. excited        D. kind

52.       If she ……. that dangerous fruit, she will feel very' ill.

            A. eat               B. eating          C. eats             D. will eat

53.       If you see a big bear, you can …….. up a tree.

            A. avoid           B. climb           C. find             D. run

54.       She has a beautiful voice. She's going to be a ……. soon.

            A. song            B. star              C. fan              D. reviewer

55.       John: "How about going to an acoustic coffee shop on the weekend? - Alex: “ ……….”    

            A. Good idea.              B. Yes, please.

            C. Good luck!              D. You're welcome.

56.       Eating at home is …….. eating in restaurants.

            A. cheaper than          B. more cheap                        C. than cheaper          D. more cheaper

57.       How many languages ……. your cousin speak now?

            A. can              B. can't            C. could           D. couln’t

58.       Agatha Christie was one of the ………. popular writers in history.

            A. less             B. little             C. more           D. most

59. What will you do if you ……. in a jungle?

            A. be                B. will be          C. are              D. is

60. Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party.-…………

            A. Good idea!              B. It's my pleasure

            C. I'd love to                D. That's right

61. Would you like to go out for a drink?- ………     

            A. Yes, I would            B. No, I wouldn't

            C. That's right              D. That would be nice rers?

62. Why are bananas good …… basketball players?

            A. to                 B. with             C. for               D. at

63. There are lots of …….. in vegetables.     

            A. vitamins      B. diets            C. players        D. muscles

64. He looks …….. his father.                       

            A. as                B. like              C. more           D. much

65. “ ……..can you run in an hour?"   - "About six kilometres.         

            A. How far       B. How much              C. How long    D. How tall

66. “…….. homework do you do?"     - "Quite a lot!" 

            A. How far       B. How much              C. How long    D. How tall

67. The new swimming pool is very large.     It's different …….. the old one.

            A. to     B. from                        C. like              D.with

68. If you …….. harder, you will pass the exam.      

            A. will work      B. work            C. works          D. worked


69. Are you good at swimming, Sarah?

            A. Definitely not!         B. I can probably climb a tree.

            C. I'm not good at working alone.       D. I think so. The road is long.

70. I haven't got any time to visit my relatives.

A. I'm supposed to call you before I come,    C. Well, you can make a video call with them.

B. I'd like to have a trip to my hometown.      D. I can bake cookies.

IV. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.

1.         You should/ pay/ your homework/ and /attention/ in/ do/ class/./

2.         A wise/ the game/ often enjoys/ before/ basketball player/ or during/ a banana/./

3.         animal over there / looks like / that big / an elephant /. /

4.         We could / indoor / have / my house / an / picnic / at /. /

5.         sixteen / when /was / she / writing / she first / started 1.1

6.         became / Enid Blyton / eventually / the / famous/ most I of / writer / children's stories /./

7.         loved / people / her work / were / her mysteries / because / exciting / so /./

8.         will / you / money / get / What / buy I for / your birthday / if / you / ?/

9.         get / vour parents 2a good school report / if / be / you / Will / happy / ?/

10.       Can you/ or a conlpass/ find your way / ‘7/ a phone/ withom using/

11.       find you soon/ you are/./ someone will I Stay where/ and hope that/

12.       use / not / mobile phones / should / We / in class /./

13.       to cook / best way I what is / really well /? / the

14.       Sarah / is / to / going / at / be / concert / the /?/

15.       A / is / that / verse / is / a / times / repeated / many / chorus /./

16.       Jamal Edwards / his / from / award / received / Queen / for / an / services / to / the / music /./

17.       things / Laila / that I other / important fame / is / more / thinks / than /./

18.       is / called / a / of / heavy metal / type / black metal / there IJ

19.       DJs / in / hip-hop / from / rap / came / and / The first / Neu York .

V. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

1.         Mozart was a ………. musician.                                 (talent)

2.         It is very ………. tor people in remote areas to get to hospitals.        (convenient)

3.         The singers showed their compassion, sympathy and ……….         (humain)          .

4.         My friend and 1 write to each other ………..             .                                   (regular)

5.         The film about my village is more ……….. than the book.                (interest)

6.         The Mekong River is ……….. than the Red River.                            (length)

7.         The ……… of the piano and violin changed the rounds of classical music.  (invent)

8.         If you get ………. , you should use your mirror or a torch to signal for help.            (lose)

9.         You should wear a hat. It's very ………outside.                                 (sun)

10.       Here are my tips for ………                                                  (survice)

11.       If you are ………and positive, people will like you.                            (friend)

12.       The USA ……….the Global Positioning System (GPS) in the 1970s.          (invent)

13.       They can use the system to find out …….. their children's locations            (exact)

14.       With the right applications, a smartphone will help you ………                      (survival).

15.       Marie Curie was a ………who discovered radium.                                       (science)

16.       Blue whales are ………than elephants.                                                          (heavy)

17.       Salsa and Samba are two ty pes of ………music.                                        (tradition)

18.       She was the first ………. of the Nobel prize for physics.                               (win)

19.       I prefer mountain ………. to hiking.                                                               (climb)

20.       Doing exercise can keep one ……… .                                                           (health)

21.       Are you good at …….. fires outdoors.                                                            (light)

22.       I'm not good at ……… skills                                                                           (survice)

23.       In Steve Grant's new survival show, they'll live without ……..                     (comfort).

24.       If you are quiet and stand still, the snake will get ……..and go away.          (bore)

25.       Peter Quinn is ……… and likes a challenge.                                                 (complete)

26.       Many famous  ………. joined this music video.                                             (sing)

27.       She need ……….to get to the end.                                                                (lucky)

28.       At the end of the course,…………. will receive the desert challenge award.            (partipate)

29.       They will spend five days in the desert with ………… guides.           (experience)

30.       To join the challenge, you must be fit and must prepare very……    (care)


1.         Does Sonya climb mountains badly?

            Is Sonya bad

            Is Sonya a

2.         You should go to bed early.

            You shouldn't

3.         Scott was a faster swimmer than Alex.

            Alex didn't

4.         She intends to make a video about Pop musiC.

            She is

5.         It's not possible for human to live without water in 3 weeks.

            Human cannot

6.         She can sing very well.

            She is a

7.         Mandy's sister plays tennis better than her.

            Mandy doesn't

8.         She should change her eating habits to be healthier.

            If she

9.         This rucksack is more expensive than that bag.

            That bag is

            That bag isn't

10.       He looks uiifcrent from his brother.

            He doesn't

11.       Don't eat those colorful mushrooms or you'll be ill.

            If you eat

            If you don't

12.       What sport does your father like best?

            What is

13.       Minh was a fast swimmer.

            Minh swam

14.       No one in the class is more intelligent than Mai.

            Mai is the

15.       Tom doesn't play tennis as well as John.

            John plays

16.       What is the height of Elvis Presley?


17.       This book is not similar to that one.

            This book is

18.       She studies the best in this class.

            No one

19.       Peter was bom in 1982. Nancy was bom in 1985.

            Nancy was

Đề Kiểm tra Giữa HK2 (5 điểm)

MÔN TIẾNG ANH 7 Ngày kiểm tra: 29/3/2024 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

1.         A. picked         B. used            C. laughed           D. escaped

2.         A. brave          B. snake          C. alone               D. change

Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from that of the others

3.         A. homework      B, sunny              C.    reduce             D. flower

4.         A. adventure       B. evening           C. direction          D. position

II. Choose the word/phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the space or best answers the question given in each sentence. (2.5pts)

5.         The Samba dance ……….. has got ten dancers.

            A. lyrics           B. band            C. voice           D. tune

6.         Before it’s dark, you need to ……… a new shelter with branches.

            A. build            B. climb           C. stay             D. run

7.         We can use a  ……. in the sun to make a signal of S.O.S.

            A. rope              B. compass     C. sleeping bag           D. mirror

8.         Bananas contain many helpful ………..         .

            A. beans          B. muscles      C. nutrients      D. sticks

9.         Usain Bolt can run very fast. Ill 2009, he ran 100 meters in just 9,58 …….…”

            A. seconds      B. hours           C. days            D. width

10.       You ………make noise in the library. That’s the rule.

            A. should         B. mustn’t        C. shouldn’t     D. doesn’t

11. Lan: “Make sure that you wear a helmet when you’re on your bike” - Ba: “ …….”

            A. Don’t forget.            B Ok.      C. I’m full         D. I’m worried,

12.       Nam: “What do you think ……. this song?” - Ba: “It isn’t fantastic.” 

            A. at                             B. To        C. of                D. on

13.       A:“………..?” - B: “I’m one metre sixty centimetres”

            A. I low are you           B.         How heavy are you

            C. How old are you     D.        How tall are you

14.       A ……… is a period of 100 years.

            A. decade        B. Millennium              C. of                D. century

III. Look at the sign. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, c or D) questions 15 and 16, (0.5 pt)

15. What does the sign mean ?

The sign says  ……..

            A. Children can buy ball here.

            B. Children can play football here,

            C. It asks you not to do something.

            D. Children mustn't play football here.

16. What type of music do they sing?

It’s ……           .

            A. rock

            B.  K-Pop

            C. rap

            D. Hip-hop

IV. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (0.5 pt)

17. Laila thinks / other things / is more / that fame / important than /.//          A a i\ lO bl

thinks …………………………………..

18. Jamal Edwards / for his serylees / an award I received / from the Queen / to music /.//

 Jamal Edwards ………………………………..

V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 19 to 22 are True or False, and choose the correct answers for the questions 23 and 24. (1.5 pts)

One day in March, seventeen-year-old Nicholas Joy went skiing in the mountains with his father. Adam, when he decided to take a different path back to their car. Adam waited for his son in the car park, but when he didn't come back. Adam immediately phoned the emergency services. Nicholas was lost and alone in a forest on the mountain, He had no mobile phone, the weather was very bad and it soon got dark. He remembered survival programmes from the TV and he decided to stay where he was that night. He quickly built a shelter from snow and tree branches, and he found some drinking water in a small river nearby. He then tried to light a fire by quickly moving two tree branches together. Nicholas spent two nights alone on the mountain in his shelter. But at 9:00 on the third morning, a man on a snowmobile found him. The teenager was hungry, tired and very cold, but he was unhurt. Next time there’s a survival programme on TV and you could learn something useful!

19.       Nicholas got lost while he was waiting for his father in the mountain.

20.       Adam called the emergency services about his lost son.

21.       When it got dark, Nicholas decided to find the way home. False

22.       Nicholas was found on the third day.

23.       What is the best tittle?

A.         Father and son lost in the snow for     days.               C.        A ghost in the snow’.

B.         Teenager         survives alone on the mountain.         D.        A scary situation in the jungle.

24.       How could Nicholas survive in a forest on the mountain?

A. He could          learn a lesson at home.           C.  He remembered the survival programmes    from the rv.

B. He could          learn the story by heart.          D.  He remembered what his father had  told      him.

VI. Choose the word / phrase (A, B, c or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts)

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. England. His father was a glove maker (25)……..…. later became the mayor of Stratford. By 1592 Shakespeare was working (26)………….a writer and actor in London, then turned to writing poetry. In 1594 Shakespeare had joined an acting group. Shakespeare wrote 3" (27)…………. Fie wrote tragedies, comedies. (28)………….histories. Shakespeare’s most famous plays include Hamlet, King Lear, Midsummer Night’s Dream. Henry IV and Richard II. In 1610 Shakespeare retired and returned (29) ……….his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon. He died there on April 23. 1616. William Shakespeare is the world’s (30)……….. playwright. Though he lived 400 years ago. his plays are still studied and enjoyed today.

25. A. which    B. how                         C. where         D. who

26. A. to           B. as                            C. on               D. like

27. A. movies  B. matches                  C. plays           D.speeches

28. A. and        B. or                            C. but              D. so

29. A. on          B. by                            C. to                D. from

30. A. greatest B. oldest                      C. longest        D. tallest


VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (1.5 pts)

31.       To join the challenge, you must prepare very ……carefully………………… . (care)

32.       Marie Curie was ascientier……….who discovered radium.                       (science)

33.       Salsa and Samba are two types oftraditional……music.                             (tradition)

34.       The USA ……..the Global Positioning System in 1970s.                   (invent)

35.       It is very ……..for people in remote areas to get to hospitals.           (convenient)

36.       Many famous ……… joined this music video.                                   (sing)

VIII .Finish each of the following sentences in such a wav so that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (1 pt)

37.       Did Sonya olimb mountains well?

 Was Sonya ……………………..

38.       Don’t eat those.coforfuljnushrooms or you'll be ill

 If you eat ………………

39.       John played tennis better than Tom.

 Tom didn’t …………………

40.       He looks different from his brother.

 He isn’t ……………………




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