

1. Why arc bananas good ……… players?

            A. to                            B. in                C. at                            D. for

2. One year in every ………. years when February has 29 days instead of 28.

            A. three                      B. two             C. four                        D. five

3. There are fifty-two weeks in a ……..    .

            A. decade                  B. month        C.        century           D. year

4. If you're a very intelligent person like Einstein, you're a ……….   

            A. mathematician     B. genius       C.        champion      D. winner

5. The best person in a big competition is the ……….. .

            A. mathematician     B. genius       C.        champion      D. composer

6. An ………. is very creative and makes new things.

            A. inventor                 B. writer          C. composer              D. artist

7. Beethoven couldn't hear when he composed his 9th symphony, but he ……… imagine music

            A. can                         B. do can       C. could                     D. did could

8. Beyoncé sang some of her songs in Spanish, but she ……….. speak the language.

            A. could                     B. can             C. can't                       D. couldn't

9. J.K. Row ling became a  ……….. in 2003. In the next five years wrote five books.

            A. firelighter              B. artist           C. writer                     D. waitress

10. Bananas are a rich source of  (about 0.4g of each), which reduces a sudden pain in muscles.

            A. potassium             B. vitamin c   C. carbohydrate        Đ. whey protein shake

11. "What do you think ……….. this song?" - "It isn't fantastic."

            A. about                     B. at                C. for                          D. to

12. His ……….. is like mine. Both of US are one metre fifty eight centimetres.

            A. length                    B. height        C. weight                   D. width

13. We can use a ………… in the sun to make a signal of S.O.S.

            A. sleeping bag        B. compass   C. mirror                     D. rope

14. What is 25% as a fraction? - We think it's a …………..

            A. hall                         B. total            C. whole                    D. quarter

15. You …………  cat lots of fruit and vegetables. It's always a good idea.

16. You ………….. have unhealthy food for lunch. It's better to have more healthy food

            A. must                       B. mustn't      C. should       D. shouldn't

17. Anna doesn't play baseball …………..her sister.

            A. as good as            B. as well as  C. as best as             D. as better as

18. Students ……… eat chew ing gum in class. This is forbidden.

            A. must                       B. mustn't      C. should                   D. doesn't people.

19. You …………. thirsty if you don't bring a bottle of water.

            A. get                          B. gets            C. will get                   D. million

20. What is the population of Viet Nam?"-"I guess it's more than 98 ………. people

            A. century                  B. millennium           C. fraction      D. million

21. You …………. in the river. There arc crocodiles.

            A. should swim         B. mustn't swim        C. shouldn't swim    D. doesn't swim

22. ……… milk is there? - There's enough for two people.

A. How often             B. How many                        C. How long              D. How much

23.  23. ‘When was the artist Vincent Van Gogh bom?’ - ‘He was bom in the 19th ………     

A. millennium           B. century      C. month        D. second

24.  24. William was a genius with a very' high IQ, but in the end he ………. a long life.

          A. lives                       B. lived           C. didn't live              D. doesn’t life

25.  25. Before it's dark, you need to ………. a new shelter with branches.

          A. run                         B. climb          C. stay            D. build

26.  26. She is strong and healthy ………… she changed her eating habits.

          A. and                                    B. however    C. because    D. away

27. Friends are important, but keep ……….. from “problem people".

            A. out of         B. off               C. down         D. away

28. What is the hottest ………. in your country?’ - ‘I know that one. It's July, or perhaps August.'

            A. month        B. season      C. year           D. date

29. The word “pop" is from ……….           .

            A. popcorn     B. population                        C. people       D. popular

30. The musician added some electronic melodies ………… his previous songs.

            A. from           B. about         C. for              D. to

31. We couldn't play badminton when we were ten, ……….we're good at it now.

            A. Therefore  B. However   C. or    D. but

32. Mary first started ……… when she was fifteen.

            A. wrote          B. written       C. write           D. writing

33. “How about going into town. There’s a new cafe on the High Street. They say it's very good"………”

            A. I don't like going into town.        C. That sounds like a good idea.

            B. I don't drink coffee.                     D. That cafe is very good.

34. If he ………. hard, he will pass the exam easily.

            A. study          B. studies      C. is studying            D. studied

35. This book about the football stars is similar ……… the book I bought last week

            A. to    B. with            C.        at         D.        on

36. “I have two tickets to the concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?" ………”

            A. Sure, no problem.                       C. That would be great, thanks.

            B. Thank you for your help.           D. Here you are.

37. If she ………… that dangerous fruit, she will feel very ill.

            A. cat              B. eating        C. eats            D. will eat

38. If you see a big bear, you can ………… up a tree.

            A. avoid          B. climb          C. find                        D. run

39. She has a beautiful voice. She's going to be a ……….. soon.

            A. song          B. star             C. fan             D. viewer

40. John: “How about going to an acoustic coffee shop on the weekend? - Alex: “

            A. Good idea.            B. Yes, please.

            C. Good luck!            D. You're welcome.

41. Eating at home is ………. eating in restaurants.

            A. cheaper than       B. more cheap          C. than cheaper       Đ. more cheaper

42. Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party.- “……….”    .

            A. Good idea!            B. Il's my pleasure

            C. I'd love to              D. That’s right

43. The new swimming pool is very large. It's different ……….. the old one.

            A. to    B. from           C. like             D.with

44. Are you good at swimming, Sarah?

            A. Definitely not!      B. I can probably climb a tree.

            C. I’m not good at working alone.

            D. I think so. The road is long.

45. I haven't got any time to visit my relatives.

            A. I'm supposed to call you before I come.

            B. rd like to have a trip to my hometown.

            C. Well, you can make a video call with them.

            D. I can bake cookies.

46. BL7050 has just arrived. The plane   is still on the runway. Keep your ………fastened

            A. shuttle       B. yellow sign           C. terminal     D. seatbelts

47. Our plane has stopped at ………. IV. Changi Airport.       

            A. shuttle       B. yellow’ sign          C. terminal     D. seatbelts

48. We must take this ……….and move to terminal 2. The      subxvay is there

            A. shuttle       B. yellow7 sign         C. terminal     D. seatbelts

49. There isn't ………food left in the fridge.       

            A. any             B. many         C. some         D. a few7

50. “Would you like ……… yogurt for dessert?" - "Yes, please."

            A. any             B. some          C. many         D. no

51. Self-drix ing cars help you relax ……….. the way home.  

            A. on               B. in                C. at                D. to

52. Self-drix ing cars can even move ………. drivers.  

            A. with            B. at                C. on              Đ. w ithout

53. We don't have ………time. We must hurry. 

            A. lots             B. manx         C. much         D. a lot

54. "Are there ……….. cafes near here?""No. there aren't."   

            A. any             B. a lol            C. lots of        D. some

55. Would you like ……… swimming Jane?     

            A. go               B. goes           C. going         D. to go

56. Your shirt is very’ dirty. It needs ………                    

            A. washed     B. to w ash    C. washing    D. to w ash

57. You needn't ……… with us.               

            A. go               B. to go           C. going         D. goes

58. You ………to hurry  because we haxe much time.

            A. needn't      B. don't need                        C. not need   D. must

59. You ought to work hard ………you will fail the test.          

            A. and                        B. or                C. but             D. so

60. Alice wants ……… to a wonderland.

            A. fly               B. to fly           C. flies            D. flying

61. Some cars run on electricity……… many other cars still run on petrol.

            A. and                        B. or                C. but             D. so

62. Amphibious buses can run on water            …….. land.

            A. because    B. and                        C. but fastened.        D. so

63. The flight from Canada to Vietnam requires a ………. in Taipei for a few hours

            A. aisle           B. shuttle       C. transit        D. boarding pass

64. ………… solar energy is unlimited, not many people can cover its expense.

            A. because    B. and                        C. so               D. although

65. This seaside is full of sunlight.           ……….. they will establish a solar power plant here.

            A. because    B. or                C. so               D. although

66. Either solar energy………. wind power is useful and helps protect the environment.

            A. because    B. or                C. so               D. although

67. You should not drink so much Coke because it’s not good ………. your heath.

            A. in                B. to                C. on              D. for

68. If you want ………. faster, you should wear lighter shoes

            A. runs           B. run             C. to run         D. ran

69.       They want to fly ……… a bird.

            A. as               B. like             C. to                D. at

70. Those flying cars save money because they run …….. solar energy.

            A. in                B. at                C. to                D. on

71. They hope that tunnel buses can ……….. traffic jams.

            A. lift               B. avoid          C. run             D. move

72. People unable to ………. can choose to buy self-driving cars.

            A. drive           B. avoid          C. run             D. lift

73. Orville and Wilbur Wright in the USA came up ………. the first aircraft.

            A. to                B. on               C. with            D. at

74. Agent: Can I have your passport and his birth certificate?


            A. Let's put them on the scales.    B. Here you are.

            C. That would be great.                   D. Here is your passport.

75.       People always dream …….. flying.

            A. of                B. on               C. in                D. to


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