
What does the sign say?

Câu 1: The sign says_______________

  • You can’t park here.
  • You can park here.
  • You can’t stop here.
  • . You can’t park and stop here.

Câu 2: The sign says_______________

  • Children can’t enter this area without their parents.
  • Children can enter this place alone.
  • Children can’t play in this area
  • Only children can enter this place.

Câu 3: The sign says_______________

  • You can take photos in this place.
  • - You mustn’t take photos here.
  • You can’t play video games here.
  • You can watch films here.

Câu 4: What does sign say?It is about _______________________

  • Eat and drink here.
  • Do not smoke here.
  • Keep this area litter free.
  • Do not enter here.

Câu 5: What does the sign say?It is about _______________________

  • You mustn’t come here.
  • . children can go into this place.
  • Let’s play games.
  • Let’s go there

Câu 6: What does sign say?It is about _______________________

  • You have to pay to park here.
  • . Parking here is free for everybody.
  • There is no cost to leave your car here if you use a shop.
  • . The shop opens seven days a week.
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