

Complete the conversation. Put in the relative clauses using the information in brackets. (Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.)


She’s the woman ... (She lives in West Street.)

She's the woman who lives in West Street.


Diane I saw Roger Cowley on Saturday.

      Paul Roger Cowley?

Diane Yes, he’s the man ... (He works at Electrobrit.) Jane It’s Roger Cowley ... (His wife owns the Top Shop.)

      Mark What’s the Top Shop?

Jane It’s the shop ... (It sells dresses;)

It’s the one ... (I went in it yesterday.)

      Mark Oh, I know. It was Roger Cowley ... (His car was stolen from outside his house.)

Paul That’s right. It was the car... (He bought it from Richard Hunter.)

Jane And who’s Richard Hunter?

      Mark I don’t think you’ve met him. He’s the man ... (I invited him to our party.) He didn’t come, though.

Jane Is he the man ... ? (His sister was on a TV quiz show.)

      Paul No, that’s Bob. Richard is the man ... (David plays golf with him.)

Diane Yes, but I was talking about Roger Cowley.


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