

Complete this newspaper article. Choose the correct singular or plural forms in the brackets. Begin like this:

The Clayton Clothing Company is going to build a new factory in Milchester. This news ...


The Clayton Clothing Company is going to build a new factory in Milchester. (This/These) (new/s) (was/ were) announced by company chairman Mr David Clayton yesterday. Mr Clayton spent the morning in Milchester before returning to the Clayton (headquarter/s) at Granby.


The Clayton company (has/have) been in existence for 130 years and (is/are) famous for its ‘Polymode’ (good/s). The slogans ‘You're never alone with a pair of Polymode (trouser/s)’ and ‘Polymode (jean/s) (is/are) the (one/s) for you’ are well known. The company’s profit last year of £2 million (was/were) the highest in the clothing business.


Mr Clayton will not say how (much/many) new (job/s) there will be, but my (information/s) (is/are) that there will be about 500. The (new/s) (is/are) very welcome because (work/s) (is/are) hard to find at the moment, and 2,000 unemployed people (is/are) a high figure for a small town.


Activity A

Make a list of all the clothes you own, e.g. four coats, about five pairs of trousers,...

Activity B

Write sentences saying what you think of these things: maths, physics, athletics, economics, politics.

Example: Maths is quite interesting.


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